Monday 2 April 2012

the girl next door

she could be anybody.  she wears jeans and a ponytail and the look of a screen door: like she might just let you in, but you're not exactly welcome.  she has a smile that is hardly secretive, but you think that she has secrets.  you can hear the muffled melody of her days through the walls and you imagine you would miss it, you would miss her if she was gone.  it never occurs to you to ask what her name is.  you're not even sure you would recognise her should you ever meet in a non-mundane setting.  she has never asked you for your name either.  she has a smile that does not borrow anything.  she wears jeans and a t-shirt and the look of backyards and supermarkets: an offer of comfort that could disappoint in future.  still, you're convinced, it's nice to know she's there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Imagination is more important than intelligence. A combination of both is ddm.